FAQ: How long does a SOC 1 take to complete?

FAQ: How long does a SOC 1 take to complete?

This depends on how prepared and how many resources an Organization has to dedicate to the project. The first time through, usually a readiness assessment would be performed, and then a SOC 1 Type 1, and take anywhere from 2 to 3 months. However, there are situations where it may take 6 to 12 months should an Organization not have the resources or sufficient priority assigned.

A Type 2 report takes about 2 months to complete, but, it may take a little longer during the first audit and become more efficient every year thereafter.

Additional FAQs

How often is a SOC 2 audit required?

SOC 2 Type II audits should be performed annually, however, there are times you may choose to perform them twice a year. Additionally, if recently completing a SOC 2 Type


The SOC 1 has a completely different purpose than HITRUST. Typically a company would perform both if they are a TPA processing medical claims and other claims, where, there is

Can I fail a SOC 2 audit?

Yes, failure to meet the relevant Trust Service Criteria may result in a failed SOC 2 audit, requiring remediation. This is known as a Qualified Opinion when this happens.

What are the costs of SOC 2?

There are a lot of factors that go into responding to this question. There are audit, consulting, software, internal resources, and other factors to consider which can easily grow from

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